- DIN-A-6-greeting card (folded along: 10.5 × 14.8 cm)
- Landscape, 4-sided
- 285 g / m ² heavy folding box Board printed on both sides (4/0-color)
- Shiny front
- Subject: "Castle impressions" (Marburg)
- Artist: Irmgard Ossenberg-Engels, Lohra near Marburg
- Author / photographer: Carmen Rieb, Lohra near Marburg
including envelope (light ivory) and cellophane sleeve
Please note:
All pictures here include watermark to protect of the photos in the middle of the picture. This is not present on the original.
If you are interested in original watercolors by Mrs. Ossenberg-Engels, please contact the artist directly:
Irmgard Ossenberg-Engels
Lohra-Straße 6
35102 Lohra Rollshausen
06462 2486